Everybody wants a bigger space as it looks elegant. Changing the look and feel of a room is possible with several painting techniques.Skilled painters make use of these techniques to make a small space look bigger while adding elegance to the room.
Colour Contrast
The application of particular colours is one of the most important methods to paint rooms with small space. High contrasting colours that are neutralcan be combined to paint the walls that will create the illusion of extra space. If you contact a Melbourne commercial painter company, they will suggest you to stripes of contrasting colours to make the room look wide.
Choosing the Best Suited Ceiling Colour
The ceiling colour of your room can be used to trick the eye and make it look bigger. By applying the colour that falls in the same range of hues of the colour of the walls, it will become difficult for one to notice the converging point of the walls and the ceiling which will make the room appear larger.To make your walls appear taller,painters sometimes use the same colour to paint the wooden furniture. Also, another trick is to paint the walls of the room a few inches higher than their normal height and leaving the ceiling in white to create the illusion of a larger space.
Applying Dark Colours
It is very common to paint a room with lighter colour if it is small and devoid of natural light. However, by applying a dark shade of colour in this room it might appear to be more spacious. This is a popular technique used by painters in the Melbourne commercial and residential painting. At times, different bold colours are also used so that they pop out in artificial lighting thus making the room appear bigger.
If, on the other hand, there is a good amount of natural light on the room, painters apply warm colours to maximize the light (bouncing).
Expert Finish
Painting a room with subtlety creates the illusion of a larger space. Higher gloss paints can help in the scattering of light that will make the room look bigger. However, it entirely depends on the amount of natural light that the room gets.
Colours That Are Applied
Lastly, not all colours will create the illusion of a larger space. Some of the colours that do are
- White
Since white colour helps in reflecting a good portion of light, professional painters in Frankston use this colour to create the appearance of more space.
- Delicate Black
The soft black colour is the best option to add elegance to a room. This colour is bestsuited for roomsthat get very low or no natural light at all and is hence suggested by most of the painters in Melbourne.
- Soft Pink
Pink works in any small room as it is a very pleasant colour and is best suited for natural lighting conditions.The colour is a perfect balance to achieve light bounce as well as a composed look as well as creating the illusion of a larger space.
Make Your Room Look Spacious With the Finest Painters
At Austar Painting and Renovations, we aim to give new colours to your room to create happiness. Our experienced painters are adept at giving a new look to your home or office walls and add value to your property. If you are looking to transform your rooms creatively, give us a Call Today to bring colours to your life.