Wallpaper is one of the easiest and the most effective ways to imbibe a sense of personality and style statement. Now like anything else, the trends and styles of these wallpapers change with the change of time. Now that it has been a little of a month we have stepped into the year 2025, a new trend has been set. If you want to have trendy and stylish look and feel in your room, it is high time to take note of the latest and trendiest wallpapers and come up with suitable solutions. Let us on this page, discuss the wallpapers that you can choose from to lend elements of style and timelessness to your home interiors.
The Flora & Fauna Prints
One of the trendiest wallpapers in Melbourne that you can opt for, are the ones with flora and fauna prints. These wallpapers come with an enduring style, more so when you choose bold colours and crowded, busy patterns & designs. This particular design brings in an element of whimsicality and adds a tinge of nature to your indoor ambience. You also get the liberty of adding a tone of dark, thereby adding some elements of drama to your space. However, you must work to highlight this wallpaper by keeping your furniture and fittings as simple as it can be.
Wallpapers That Are Designed With Earthy Tones
Wallpaper trends are not just about prints and patterns. They are also for colour, if you go by the advice from the best professional painters who also install wallpapers. In the year 2025, wallpapers with neutral and muted hues are making a lot of headlines. These tones, more so the caramel tones have turned out to be instant hits this year, and this trend adds a neutral trend that makes these wallpapers fit for any space and room, big or small, dark or lighted.
Scenic Wall Murals
Wallpaper murals have been famous for quite a number of years. However, the year 2025 has seen a resurgence of this particular trend. With the versatility to match with a number of designs, these wallpapers come with a number of adaptability to get with a plenty of schemes. These murals are the best option to get in any wallpaper scheme, be it something dynamic or more subtle. So look for this particular variety, if you are opting for trendy wallpaper installation in Monash.
Papers With Personality
The good old days of patterned and neutral wallpaper are long gone. If the previous year has been the year of eclectic and bold wallpaper, this year has been wallpapers that underline your style statement and personality. These are arrays of illustrative, hand-crafted, patterned wallpapers, which will underline your personality, showcasing your style statement.
Botanic & Palm Prints
If classic florals do not particularly suffice your needs and compulsions, then this year comes with wallpapers depicting exotic wildlife and botanicals as perfect alternatives. This particular wallpaper genre comes with contemporary as well as classic designs, with bold, abstract, and innovative creations. These wallpapers can be tailored to meet your bespoke aesthetics.
Metallic Designs
Metallic designs have for long been one of the most popular designs for wallpapers. They go a long way to uplift features that offer a wide range of varieties to one-dimensional designs. These features come with geometric, luxurious, retro-patterns along with luxurious, vintage styles.
Therefore you see, these are some of the most popular and happening wallpaper trends that have already become popular in 2025. For more details, you can opt for Austar Painting & Renovations, as we come up with the best and the trendiest wallpapers, along with their flawless installation. Call us now to book our service.