Seasonal Considerations for Fence Painting in Melbourne

Are you considering giving your fence a makeover? Have you considered the best season to opt for a successful and seamless fence painting project? Well, yes! The season plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and easy job of painting your fences. Moreover, Melbourne’s diverse climate may sometimes pose challenges for fence painting.

This is why we have provided a breakdown of the best times to paint your fences. Therefore, if you’re hiring professional fence painting services in Melbourne, here are some seasonal considerations to think about:


Spring in Melbourne is characterised by mild temperatures, blooming flowers, and some showers. If you’re considering painting your fence during this season, here are a few things to think about:

  • Pollen: Spring is the season of pollen. If you do not clean it off properly from your fence surface, it may cause issues with the paint adhesion.
  • Rain: While spring can be a beautiful time to get out of the house, rain could hinder your fence painting project. If you’re planning to get your fence painted, be prepared to finish the work quickly before the rain showers.


Melbourne experiences warm, frequently cloudless summers. This makes it the perfect time to paint a fence because the paint dries quickly and may be effectively cured by the sun’s heat. But beware of:

  • Extreme Heat: Paint may dry too quickly from too much heat, resulting in uneven application.
  • UV Rays: Prolonged sun exposure can diminish paint quality over time. Consider applying paint with strong UV protection.

To get the most out of summer painting, pick cooler times of the day, such as late afternoon or early morning. Make sure you have enough airflow, and use sun protection. You can hire fence painters in Melbourne to finish off your job quickly and efficiently, keeping in mind the temperature.


Autumn is another season where fence painting is easy. The fallen leaves might be a small problem, but you can easily clear them up before undertaking the painting task. Autumn’s cool weather is perfect for painting your fences. Your project is less likely to be disrupted when there are fewer rain showers.


Chilly winds, little rain, and a wet climate mark winter in Melbourne. This majorly makes up for a bad time to undertake a fence painting project. Low temperatures can affect the paint drying time, making the process unnecessarily longer.

If you’re confused about the right time to paint your fence, hire professionals. Trusted companies like Austar Painting & Renovations are in the industry, helping homeowners with satisfactory fence painting jobs. The professionals can also guide you through the best time for fence painting to witness quality results!

Upgrade your fences with us!

Austar Painting & Renovations is your go-to company if you need professionals to give your property a much-needed upgrade. Whether you need to paint your fence, your home exterior, or your interiors, we’ve got you covered. Our trained professionals are equipped with the latest techniques and technology to deliver optimal results. Call us at 0438743730 for a free quote.