How to Evaluate a Painting Job by a House Painter?

When things come to considering a painting job for your home, you must evaluate the available options and ensure that you get the best possible value for your money in the form of the best painting job. In other words, you need to evaluate a painting job and see if it justifies your investment. This will help you evaluate the quality of paint, the experience of the painter and the expertise of the professional, and the price that is tagged against the job. On this page, let us discuss the factors that you need to consider to determine the quality of the painting job.

Here are some key factors to be taken into account when evaluating high-quality painting jobs.

Even Surface Coverage

This is one of the most essential factors to check when it comes to determining the quality of the painting job. Quality Melbourne painters would always apply the paint evenly to the surface of the wall with hardly bare spots or drips

Now there are various ways to evaluate the even surface coverage:

  1. You can look at the wall or a painted object from various angles under different lighting conditions. If you can notice any areas that look like the painter has by any chance missed or where the paint appears to be applied unevenly, that denotes, the painting is not of that high quality.
  2. You can run your hand over the surface of the painted wall or object. If you feel rough spots or lack of smoothness then the paint is not of that high quality.

A quality house painter in Melbourne will never ever leave these imperfections with their job.

No Gap

You must check the gap after the painting contractor is done with painting a room. The gap is the space that lies between the wall and the trim. A high-quality painting job never leaves any gap.

Gaps generally occur as and when the painting has been inadequate or the contractor has failed to apply the paint evenly.

The gaps can be checked by

  1. Having a hard look at the trim. If the gap is over 1/8 inch the gap is too big.
  2. Using a putty knife and feeling the space between the wall and the trim.
  3. Using a flashlight. You need to focus the light along the trim and look if there is any gap that can allow the light to pass through.

Again, If you find any gap, that is not a very high quality jog. Top painting companies in Melbourne will not leave any gap.

Uniformity of Paint

A top-quality painting professional will always maintain uniformity in the paint application. Nobrush or roller mark should be visible.

To check for uniformity, you need to hold a sheet of white paper at arm’s length in a horizontal way. Then move the paper slowly from one side to another across the painted surface. The paint sheen should ideally appear consistent with no light or dark areas. If you see those areas that means the painting is not uniform.

 A qualified painting service will never leave these loopholes. So if you are in Melbourne, hire Austar Painting & Renovations as we are the best. Call us at 0438 743 730 to book an appointment with our experts. Or write to us at  for a free online quote.

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