Challenges That Wallpaper Installers Face and How They Resolve Them?

Installing wallpaper to your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, workspace or any other part of your property is a cheaper solution compared to painting. However, at times, the installers in Melbourne face certain problems in the installation process which they have to resolve. Here, we will explore some of the challenges and discuss how they resolve them to transform walls with wallpaper.

  • Gaps

One of the most common problems that professionals find during wallpaper installation in Melbourne is gaps in walls. Installing wallpaper over these gaps can lead to undesired results. Moreover, even if the gap is very narrow, if wallpaper is installed over it, the latter can get torn due to the air pressure in the gap. So, to resolve the challenge, the installers will need to fill out the gaps first. However, during the inspection process, if they find that the gap cannot be filled easily, they will recommend that you hire professionals who can make the necessary structural changes before the wallpaper can be installed.

  • Open Seams

This is a complicated problem that wallpaper installers often face after the installation is over. Typically, open seams occur if surface preparation was not done properly before the installation process or if irregular soaking or drying occurred. So, to avoid this challenge, the installers always prepare the surface before installing the wallpaper. They apply the right type of glue and post-installation, they look for imperfections and fix them instantly. In addition, they allow wallpaper to get fully dry to avoid the open seam problem.

  • Bubbles 

The third most common issue that installers face during and after the Melbourne wallpaper installation process is bubbles. This occurs due to air between the surface and the wallpaper. So, to eliminate the air, it is important for the professionals to attentively apply the wallpaper, and do it step by step so that no air remains underneath. After that, they need to use a roller to apply pressure evenly on the wallpaper to remove the air and make the surface smooth.

  • Wallpaper Blisters 

The next challenge that wallpaper installers often face is blisters on the surface of the wallpaper. This occurs due to the uneven application of the wallpaper. Moreover, after the installation process, if the roller is not used, blisters can come up. So, the installers remain careful during the application process and never forget to apply rollers.

  • Improper Wall Preparation

The installers dealing with wallpapers in Melbourne find the installation process to be extremely challenging if the wall preparation has not been properly done.

The preparation process includes fixing the cracks and holes in the wall and then smoothing it with sandpaper. After that, the glue has to be applied thoroughly so that the wallpaper adheres to the surface properly. When these steps are followed, the installation process automatically becomes easier.

We Install Wallpaper with Precision

If you are looking to add appeal to the walls of your property with wallpaper, call us now. At Austar Painting & Renovations, we can also offer you a quote on request. However, if you have queries related to our wallpaper installation, send us an email now.